






“HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE MANY BEAUTIFUL FLORAL AND LANDSCAPE SCENES ON YOUR NEXT VISIT TO THE MIDDLE EAST, FOR MEN & WOMEN w. PHOTOS” You will most certainly want to have a book with floral names and the list of the many botanical gardens. Each one has world-class level plants, not only because they grow here, it is because they flourish here.

Whether you are mesmerized by roses or the fauna next to the ocean, you will be amazed at the size of the aloe vera, the orchids and wysteria are all breath-taking. A camera is not able to capture the beauty; however, the video does it justice.

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148Although one may think visiting monuments/museums & the like, the true measure of an exciting trip is to be invited into the homes of the locals whether in the city or in a rural environment.
This is an introduction only as it is a very broad topic.
HOW TO PREPARE:You want to be in a really upbeat mood when meeting people for a meal and you want to extend the normal time that you usually sit at a meal because that is the foreign orientation. Try to exhibit your joy and appreciation and enunciate positive responses: “Everything is super delicious!” “I can’t wait to tell my friends how much fun we had at dinner tonite.”
If you are one of those people with a sensitive stomach, and you should be clear on this before attempting to eat homemade foreign food, you might want to carry with you a pepto-bismol or its equivalent with you to the dinner. Or, you could also bring a regular Coke to share as this is also widely used to calm stomach issues.
To get into rapport with a foreign family, you might want to purchase a cd w/ songs to show your interest in learning their language, culture and customs.
WHAT NOT TO WEAR: Women need to have their topside covered with at least a shawl, long sleeves even in the summer is prefereable. Men, shorts are not always so accepted, however; if you insist, why don’t you try the ones that come to cover the knee.
WHAT TO BRING: Wine is not always the best option. Melon or a large bag of uncut fruit is always welcome. Nuts and candy may not meet with the family’s o.k.
HOW TO INFLUENCE OR SET THE TONE FOR THE EVENING WITH A SPECIAL TOAST:Every family wants to hear: “May you all experience only good health with joy and happiness!”
WHAT IS TABOO/NOT DONE EVER AT THE TABLE:If you feel that you are getting sick either from the combination of the foods or the combination of the wine and the food, push your chair back and try to calm yourself down. If you feel that you are about to get sick and is inevetible, ask for the bathroom if you did not already do that upon arrival. Clean up after yourself as best you can if you lose your lunch and apologize profusely. Discontinue all food and beverage intake except for water. The next day, you need to return with packages of wipes and/or a bathroom atomizer.
WHAT IF YOU ARE SERIOUSLY LATE? If the situation does not allow for you to call ahead to inform your host you are on the other side of town, try to take a cab or let the people know who set you up with the host family. Continue to try to contact the host family and try to see them in person if you did not make it. They take these things personally and want to know that you are o.k.
WHAT IF SOMEONE IS OVERTLY FLIRTING? We need to remind ourselves that we are guests in someone’s home and it is highly likely that we could be misinterpreting an overly friendly host or member of the host family.
WHAT IF YOU MEET SOMEONE YOU WANT TO FLIRT WITH? You might find yourself in a situation where it seems you have an “instant rapport” with someone and you want to pursue the relationship. Remember, you are in a festive mood, and it could be that it is the person’s job to speak to you in a certain way. It can seem the person is so interesting you really want to get to know this person. If there is drinking, you may want to even more ‘throw caution to the wind’; however, you could really get into hot water and even be asked to leave the group you are on tour with if your behavior is really offensive to this person. Think about the consequences and although it may seem you only have a limited time to get to know this person, you must have the self-confidence to know, if it is meant to be, time will present itself. Keep your hands to yourself.
WHAT IF THE FOOD REALLY DOES NOT AGREE WITH YOU? Talking and drinking can encourage a limited awareness of how the meal is affecting you. Try to move away from the table and sit on the couch for a little while, then, if you can, return to the table. If you are about to lose your lunch, keep a large wad of napkins in your hand. Also, you could be in a home where there is only one bathroom, if this is the case, try to step out the kitchen door to get some fresh air and ground yourself. Think calming thoughts and if you are perspiring, take off your jacket/sweater and allow the body to cool down.
This is very embarrassing for you as well as the host family. They think, as you did, that you know how much you can drink. When you are in a foreign country, thinks process differently. In foreign countries, the use of preservatives is very limited and this changes how your body responds. Also, there are many herbs that are used in their full force, which can be a strange experience for your body. Combining this, with wine or liquor can be lethal to your stomach.
There are many people who take a stomach-coating product like Pepto-Bismol to help with addressing the foreign foods and beverages. This might be a good alternative for you.

This piece is dedicated to Abigael Mizrahi, one of my favorite (English) students, who just completed her National Board Exams, good job!

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Israel has the highest real estate in the world. Today, I will introduce you to a very small suburb in West Jerusalem, called Har Nof. Yes, you can find a lot of stats about it; however, I hope to add some color and smells to the articles or information you may have previously read about it.
There is no mosque and it is next to the Jerusalem Forest. Most people will caution you to never go thru the forest alone or at night. There are huge families of coyotes who croon all night. Also, (so they say)it is the getaway place for the thieves responsible for the many recent unfortunate incidents.
The view includes Hadassah Hospital and Givat Shaul. To an outsider, it seems that everyone is programmed like in the movie, ‘The Stepford Wives’. This is a very religious community with a wide variety of choices of where to pray. The many really beautiful synagogues include:
 Boston
 Ashkenazie
 Sephardic
 Austrian
 French
 Russian
 Chabad
 Carlebach
 Breslov
 Litvish
 Breslov
 And many others.
There are no conservative synagogues or reform temples. There are many chevra where people go to homes to pray or in a building’s entrance way.
Many ‘famous’ people live there including Baba Sali’s sister and the previous Sephardic Rabbi of Jerusalem.
There are many lectures continuously going on and can be seen in the publication, ‘THE HAR NOF WEEKLY’, Harnofweekly@gmail.com. The listing is color-coded: blue for men, pink for women, yellow for both are allowed to attend and sit together at the location provided.
There is no wifi café; however, there are (3) three restaurants (bagels/salads, burgers, pizza), and an ice cream store. Hint for you entrepreneurs.
The location is next to Givat Shaul whose main industry is to provide us the lucky customer with wonderful bread and pastries of all types. Driving through this industrial area is such a pleasure. This is one of those times when you see how lucky the consumer is when there is healthy competition.
The Angel bakery, very well known all over the world is open (24) hours in some locations. Bon Appetit!
This article is dedicated to Mr. Moshe Mizrahi, a life-long resident of Jerusalem.
Thank you to my readers who send me such sweet messages, it really makes my day, be well.

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The recent attacks of missiles and suicide-bombers has revealed the unique way that tiny little countries operate.  Middle Eastern countries are so small, that you can actually go to a reasonably tall building with some binoculars and do recon (for those of you not around military, it stands for reconnaissance).

Try to notice the vagueness of the media on the location of the hit. Why?  For example, the news will say it fell in Tel Aviv near the beach. Unless there is a lot of damage, the video does not pinpoint the site because, “the army does not want to give the enemy the satisfaction of knowing they hit their target”.  When you first hear this, it sounds unbelievable; however, what makes it more interesting is that the media cooperates and Israelis support this. Actually, it builds community.  The reason more bombs are not reported in Jerusalem is because there are thousands of antennae that detonate anything that looks like a missile/bomb before it gets to its desired destination.   Also, Jerusalem is laden with Christian and Moslem sanctuaries of all kinds, and this would really incite a riot if there locations were even slightly disturbed.

Two weeks ago, while in Jerusalem, the siren went off to go to the bomb shelter.  There is nothing funny about this situation and the siren stays on until it is safe.

Doesn’t this make you wonder what kind of strategies the large countries are using?

Posted in beach, Christians, ISRAEL, israeli media, Jerusalem, missiles/bombs, Muslims, siren/shelter, Tel-Aviv-Jaffo, Tel-Aviv-Jaffo | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Israel As a security precaution, some holy sites are inaccessible at this time

“Rachel’s Tomb, also known as the Bilal bin Rabah mosque to Muslims is the name given to a small religious building revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims.”

Men and women enter through separate entrances and sit either in the men’s or women’s sections.  The men’s section is actually a synagogue where services were ongoing daily

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previous to its temporary closing.

There are many beautiful murals painted on the buildings throughout the years which I have including a few in the slide show.

The bus route was number (163) and has now been removed from the permanent signs at the bus stops.

There are many classes that are taught there as well as many families milestones throughout the Bible until now.

The recent renovations have helped to deal with the huge crowds that would go there regularly.

Personally, I have seen more than (300) students there at one time.

The slide show includes a map with an arrow on Rachel’s Tomb.

Many pictures can be found very easily of visiting dignitaries as well as clerical leaders’ visiting the Tomb.

Posted in bus routes, Holy Sites, map, Matriarch Rachel, Road to Bethlehem, slide show | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to scientifically understand the beautiful sunsets in Jerusalem and Safed while still really enjoying them

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“Jerusalem of Gold” is an expression you hear here and one reason for this is the dust actually has a golden tinge. You can especially see it when driving out of the city. This is what creates the many beautiful hues in the sunset and pre-dawn clouds.

When the world was created, they say that (9) attributes of beauty were released and (8) are in Jerusalem.

In Safed, there is a different type of dust; however, the sunsets and scenes are really awesome and inspiring and because of the elevation they really impact you.

The slide show includes paintings as well as award winning photos of Safed and Jerusalem.

The art galleries in Safed have beautiful work in all different types of media.

Kabbalah originated in Safed.

On the road to Safed, is one of the most beautiful sites as rated by all of the travel guides. There are a few pictures of the Kinneret Lake on the slide show. It is a beautiful surrounded by mountains.

The mountain range in Jerusalem (Judean Mountains) is different from the one surrounding Safed (Gallilee).

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Safed is a very small city which helps you to imagine what Jerusalem looked like back thousands of years. Only (4) years ago, there was only one traffic light there.

Posted in art galleries/Safed, award winning nature photography, award winning nature photography beach, award winning nature photography mountains, beach, elevation, Gallilee, golden dust, Judean Mountains, Kabbalah, Kinneret Lake, mountain range, mountains, nature, nature photography, paintings, Safed, vegetarian restaurants | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

AISLE T FOR TRAVEL PART (2) TWO middle east..Donations/Expected and Transportion

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AISLE T FOR TRAVEL PART (2) TWO middle east. Donations/Expected and Transportion..

Sorry if this is a bit crude sounding; however, most tourist places see Americans as one big dollar sign.

In order to address this, and avoid any conflict or disappointments, you need to say upfront, “I am not a rich American.

“Or, ” Is there a sizable donation expected with this invitation to your home?”, or,

“I am planning to make one donation for the whole time I am here.”

This is an attempt to help people who are unaware of the cultural differences and to increase the comfort level of people and to address the expectations of both parties.

Transportation in Israel. Drivers can always give you a receipt, as well as, a projected price for a trip you are asking about.

The printout is always good to have, and please do not use your credit card.

Take a moment to get cash and small bills every morning. Grocery stores are happy to make change for you or even give you an exchange if you have a lot of Isreali pennies.

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Not worth the hassle when you get back home.

If you do not already know this, they sell your credit card number to get the cash and you are charged by some who knows what company.

The word in Hebrew for receipt is “heshbon”, however, it is the same word for account.

Cab drivers are more thank happy to give this to you.

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How to help yourself and others to prepare for a trip to the Middle East

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have many late nite classes.

to be invited to weddings or a mealboating and so many other activitiesand ecologists who come to

ALL NITE PARTIES IN ISRAEL..all of the major cities, Haifa, Tel-Aviv-Jaffo, Jerusalem, have major party crowds for partying. The word partying however; takes on a bit of a different character than perhaps in other places. In Jerusalem, classes are part of the midnite groups. The downtown area Jaffo Center is also where the homeless congregate, the difference here being it is 99.99% safe. Yes, there is petty theft, and although it can appear scary, the people are very friendly and there is free wifi in the entire outdoor mall area as well as on some of the buses.

Keeping an eye on the bus schedule is important if you have plans. In Jerusalem, to the holy sites, there is usually a bus until 1:00 a.m.

The beach cities have wonderful bars along the deck, just like Coney Island with all kinds of ways to serve  your pallette. The buses are also serving you here most of the time, and if not, there are bicycles to rent which is fun in the hilly parts of town.

BUSES AND THEIR NUANCES..some interesting things about purchasing the autobus card called the RAV KAV, is, you do not have to remove it from your wallet to use it and if it is next to a credit card it will not get hurt, you just put it on the autobus insert machine, and it will flash and he will say, “ok”. When entering the train, you also put your card up to the machine.

TRAIN CHECKERS..are not always able to understand your language or your intention. If they tell you that you are getting a fine for however much just say, ok. Do not argue with them at any cost. They are wearing bullet-proof vests and if you act in the slightest way that you are argumentative in the least bit, you could go to jail or spend some very uncomfortable time with the police.

There is not so much cause for fear in Jerusalem, only that there are areas which people will caution you about, for example, Damascus Gate. These warnings are truly serious and so you should take heed.

Some websites for the party people are:



and you want to check the wiki sites because where there is a conference or convention there will be some partying.

There are free workout machines on some beaches with arm lift bars and twists, which are very nice and well-kept.

Shopping in Measharim is recognized as the place to be. Religious areas like Measharim in Jerusalem have many late nite classes.

When you meet people be prepared to be invited to weddings or a meal.

Horseback riding, parasailing, surfing, boating and so many other activities on the beach and on land. Also, there is yoga on horseback.

There are many bird watching groups and ecologists who come to Israel.

Looking forward to our next meeting, don’t forget to get fresh water bottles as often as you can. peace and love.

Posted in Haifa, Jaffo Center, party, Tel-Aviv-Jaffo | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment